Round Table Days :)
by david on Sunday 31st March 2019I don’t know much about the Knights of The Round Table, but I’m figuring the fact it was a round table signified the fact there was no head of the table, no leader? :) Was there no hierarchy? :) No ranking? :) No competition? :) Did they all consider each other as equals? :) If it wasn’t that, it doesn’t matter to me, I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they were doing this good thing anyway :) I’ve made the title of today’s post as it is because I wanted to take any sense of violence out of the word ‘Knight’ so I converted it across to ‘night’ in my head :) But as I’ve been talking about in earlier posts in the blog, night time is when people can do a lot of bad stuff like drugs and alcohol, and all sorts of unwholesome things can go on, and I’ve been encouraging people to live a wholesome life, by giving up the night life and getting into whole daytime lifestyles :) This is the training in The Science of The Mind :) It challenges our ideas about what’s going to make us happy :) Make your days ‘round table days’, filled with equality, respect, community, and care :)
Why does anyone even go out for night life activities? :) Because we think it’ll make us happy :) And I’m not saying there’s a hard and fast rule here :) I’m just saying, in general, we’ll probably have a far happier, healthier and more harmonious life, if we usually stay in at night and keep a good bed-time and sleep schedule :) There are loads of good, beautiful, worthwhile things to do, to be done, and that need doing, during the day :) If we live like this, it’s healthy :) And very happy :) And harmonious :) And then, if there’s something wholesome that just so happens to be happening at night-time, we can happily and healthily make an exception and go out and enjoy ourselves in full harmonious happiness :) Because our task here is to create more heavenliness remember? :)
When I was growing up as a kid, in my family life, there were two ‘heads’ sides of the table :) My dad would think he was at the head, and my mum was at the other head (which I’m guessing my dad considered the ‘tail’) :) I remember him telling me it was like that for him when he was growing up too, with his parents :) When we understand that the way our parents are treating or have treated us, is usually quite a complete re-enactment of the way they got treated by their own parents, we can see a bigger picture, and instead of reacting to things we might perceive as unfair, and fighting and arguing, we can just observe, learn, study, and come to non-judegmentally understand that those are the old ways that they’re used to, and they don’t actually really mean any harm :)
In fact, people who think, speak, or do bad stuff, almost always seem to think it’s the right thing to do at the time, even that it’s good, and correct :) I was saying to a good friend yesterday, I’ve only found two reasons why people think, speak and do bad stuff :) The first reason is, they’re learning, or they haven’t yet learned or had the opportunity to learn, The Science of The Mind :) What I mean by saying they’re learning, is that they haven’t mastered these understandings and skills yet :) If they had, they wouldn’t do anything bad at all :) When I think really compassionately, ‘we’re all learning’, I can’t attack anyone, even myself :) Nothing but understanding arises :) And softness :) And support and encouragement :)
And the only other reason I’ve come across, why people think, speak, or do bad things, is that they’re a bit unwell at the time :) Probably even a grandmaster of The Science of The Mind, could do something bad on a day when they’re really sick, really unwell, under super high pressure or stress, or some other scenario of this sort :) Which means everyone deserves our forgiveness :)
In fact, we can come to react to all people in these calm, understanding, courteous ways, if we participate in the trainings the Science of the Mind offers us consistently and thoroughly, for a long time :) We don’t really mind if other people respect us :) We just respect them all the same :) We don’t mind if other people understand us :) We just understand them regardless :) Because we understand the most important thing is the processes we’re putting into place in our minds and relationships :) That’s what’s going to cause our happiness, and (dis)infect other people with happiness and respectfulness also :) Not the results :) We need to train ourselves to reliably and habitually put the right causes in place that will deliver increasingly good outcomes in the medium-long-term :) A results-focus just can’t deliver the same results as a process-oriented focus :) Because results are just like the rest of life and the world, uncontrollable :) Sometimes up, sometimes down :)
With The Science of The Mind, as you would have noticed, I’m identifying a whole host of infectious diseases of the mind that have been as yet unidentified prior to my efforts :) For example, ‘not-good-enough-itis’ :), criticism, inequality, imbalances, pessimism, and any other number of thinking, speaking, and action patterns that create symptoms, are all viruses, mental illnesses, that I’m diagnosing using this simple system now :) Abuse is one such virus, as is any form of bullying or neglect. It’s very clearly observable to me that a parent who has been infected with abuse or bullying viruses, goes on to infect their children with the disease.
When I was reading the BBC article I posted on a link in a previous post, it all made sense except for one paragraph where they said they’d ruled out that the harmful changes across generations of families were caused by abuse. From what they’d written there, the complete opposite conclusion seemed apparent to me. And I know from my own work, and personal experiences, that abuse is all too often the mechanism for the transfer of trauma down generations. Denying stuff like this and trying to make it sound like it’s science, because the truth is too hard, is a way of the past, we need to let go of such denials. I’m not saying that it can’t be epigenetic in causation sometimes, but a lot of the time I know it isn’t. While I’m at correcting things on previous links, I should also say I supported almost everything in the Inuit parenting link, except for the storytelling strategy in which they distorted or straight out misrepresented the truth to the children. Be honest with the kids :)
Usually, each generation of parents improves the unresolved virulent patterns of abuse, bullying and neglect, from which we’re all now recovering across the planet as a human species :) Each generation, the lack of understanding, the misunderstandings, and the hatreds, and greeds, which form the foundational diagnoses in The Science of The Mind system, are reducing :) This doesn’t just apply to parenting, but to organisations, education systems, and virtually any system or interaction of human beings, including within our own minds :) We’re improving things, bit by bit :) It’s a slow process, it takes a long time, but it’s getting better all around the world :) Until now, this seems to me to have been a generally unconscious process of improvement, but with the Science of The Mind, I’m trying to make it a very conscious, and therefore much faster, healing process :) When we consciously target the absences of understandings, the misunderstandings, the hatreds and greeds in our minds, by purposefully going against them using targeted methods and strategies, on a daily basis, we can make a lot more progress individually and collectively in our recovery process :)
When I’m saying to you to be happy with whatever you’re doing all day long, I’m not saying you need to be overjoyed about whatever is happening :) I’m just saying, have a good attitude towards it :) Like if something’s going slower or taking longer than we’d like, if it’s more mundane than what we’d like it to be, instead of going into a bad attitude towards it and trying to get rid of those moments, instead we just pause, allow it to be, and generate a good attitude towards it by thinking on how it offers us a good opportunity to train patience or some other good quality that’s valued by The Science of The Mind approach :) All of a sudden, instead of feeling stressed, or dissatisfied with our life, or our family, or whatever, we’re happy with it :) We see a purpose in it :) We recognise growth potential :) And the inherent value of every moment :) And we make use of each moment in an appreciative way that strengthens us and our families, and our whole world much more efficiently and effectively :)
In the absence of the understandings I’m bringing out in The Science of The Mind approach, people don’t really know what they’re doing or how to live their lives in an effective way to produce ‘h’appiness, ‘h’ealth, ‘h’armony and ‘h’eavenliness in their worlds :) I’ve been calling those four words starting with the letter ‘h’, the ‘four h’s’ for some years now :) Because I see them as the ultimate outcomes everyone is looking for all around the world, in their lives and in their minds :) When there’s no understanding about this, the most important education anyone could ever get, regarding how to actually look after our minds, our families, our other relationships, and our whole world, then people do greedy things like install ‘impulse buy’ sections in their shops, to try to lure unsuspecting purchasers into buying things they don’t really need.
If you don’t know about impulse buy sections in stores, let me inform you now, it’s this part of the store that’s usually just near the check-out, or payment area, of the shop :) I like to inform you, because like I said, information and knowledge is power :) That is one old saying that’s been getting passed down the generations, that is actually correct :) Back to the impulse buy section explanation - the business owners, or managers, or whoever installed these sections, knows you’re going to need to pass through that section before you leave their shop, so they put all these items like tabloid magazines, lollies, chocolates, and other such things that will tempt, activate, and increase the diseases of greeds in your mind. They do this on purpose, knowingly, so that a lot of people will get sucked in, and spend more money, on things that are not good for them, and are completely unnecessary for them. And they do all this, they sacrifice their brothers’ and sisters’ money, health, happiness and harmony, and more, just for the sake of making an extra dollar.
Ever since I found out about impulse buy sections, and the underlying psychology of it, it’s been my pleasure to completely transcend it :) I’ll turn away, turn my head the other way :) In a joyful sense of triumph :) I have no interest in lollies or chocolates, or especially tabloid magazines :) If I want such things or need such things, I’ll go out of my way to get them, not buy them at the impulse section :) But it saddens me to see other people getting exploited, taken advantage of, and corrupted, often I think completely unknowingly on their part. Because people haven’t understood the realities The Science of The Mind is uncovering here, they’ve been under the influence of illnesses of misunderstanding, greed and hate, and they’ve done things like create impulse sections to feed our unwholesome urges, creating cravings, and make us want more, than what’s healthy for us. And in doing these things, they then spread the contagious infection to other people.
When we want more, we can’t be happy with what we’ve already got, because the infection is just driving us to feel frustrated, stressed and unhappy with where we’re at now.
From now on, everything you do, is to understand, detect, and transcend the unhappinesses that misunderstandings, hates, and greeds create in your mind :) That’s the education The Science of The Mind offers us :) When we get it right, there’s nothing but happiness, abundant happiness, that’s left over in the mind :) When we live our days well, and are wholesome throughout our nights also, we live up to our abilities to be ‘round table days’ peoples :) And that makes our world better :)
If you’re living with any family members, or near them :) remember what I’ve been saying, and what it said on the video I posted in a link a few days ago, that sitting down to eat family meals together helps too :) If you haven’t already succeeded to make it a routine yet, start working towards this :) As them if they’d be willing to start doing sit-down meals together with you at an agreed-upon time and place :) And try to make your presence a respectful, courteous, positive, and praising one around your ‘round’ tables :) It’s amazing how much it helps to praise people and appreciate people :) Everyone likes this, whether they can acknowledge it or not :) Your goodness will rub off on them :) A very good friend has told me they’ve been succeeding on this already, and it’s making them and their life partner a lot happier and healthier :) Very well done :)
We can do amazing things when we're smart about it :) And transform our world in really good ways :) First we need to make ourselves really good :) Be a round table days person :)
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